Fortunately, or unfortunately depending upon how you look at it, we had good weather for a few hours today. On the one hand, it afforded me the opportunity to get more yard work done; on the other hand, it afforded me the opportunity to get more yard work done! My hands are sore and my back is aching, but the yard is clean and ready for winter.
This beautiful collection of the season's final blooms graces my mantel...and yes, the vase is a stone!
I have a vase like that too...and I love it. Is it stormy in your neck of the woods tonight? More leaves coming down for you!
With summer at a end there is always little signs of what has gone and what is to come....
Oh, those final blossoms are so precious!
Janice, sounds like you have been a busy lady!!
holy smokes! Now that's a lot of leaves! Its hard to learn to embrace oak trees when confronted with so much work! Every day that I am on Cape Cod my mantra is "I EMBRACE" oak trees! Maybe one of these days it will come true :) XO Hazey
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