As part of his capeAbilities program, Garett has been receiving "horse-therapy" this summer - he is not only riding, but also learning about the grooming and care of horses. The fact the he is actually in the saddle absolutely amazes me!
I am most appreciative and thankful to program staff member Patti J., who has afforded him this opportunity. The program is available to capeAbilities clients due to a grant written for this purpose. Therapy sessions take place at Diamond's Edge, a stable in W. Barnstable.
Tell "G" i said giddy-up!! Also isn't Stone big enough now to ride. Just kidding!! See ya soon. love,joey
This really IS amazing, Janice! Garret looks very pleased to be riding, What a wonderful program!
You give me way too much credit. The horse therapy program has been such a blessing not only to myself, but to the consumers and definitely to Brenda Tri (the owner of the stable). She and her babies,(the horses) are the amazing ones. The horse that Garett is riding is "Flash Lightning" and he is one of the most amazing animals you'll ever meet. Brenda is using a new method she's just learned about, "The Pirelli method". If you notice in the picture there is no bit in his mouth. She rides all of her horses WITHOUT A BRIDLE OR BIT. These animals have so much love to give, they will ride wherever and whenever you want without these things in their mouths.
Brenda also offers private lessons and beach rides for anyone willing to give it a try. (For a fee of course). I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with these great animals as well as the terrific people who learn to love what they do on horseback. And of course I am grateful for Garett who brings a smile and a "bear" with him each day.
Thank you so much.
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